Journeying Jormungandr

GLOGtober 2023 #4: Magister of the Masquerade

GLOGtober 2023 prompts are here.

 1. Masks, mosques, or musks.

Mask magic - the art of the Magisters of the Masquerade - is a frightfully powerful art that enables to the users to access a collection of powers through special masks. Mask magicians are feared, and highly recognizable - all imbued masks have some sort of obvious magical abnormality.

Starting Equipment: Material to make 4 masks, dagger, book and quill

Starting Skills: Theater and roll 1d3: Literature, Drawing, Religion


A: Maskmaker

You are an expert in all crafting techniques for the purposes of crafting masks and costumes. You can craft fine-looking masks from cheap materials, though their true nature is obvious to closed inspection. When they are powered by your imbued magic, however, the illusion is flawless.

A: Mask Magic

You may spend your entire turn to don and imbue one of your special masks with power (you may doff and stow a mask as part of the same action, and masks do not need to be in quick draw slots). When you do, roll your magic dice as though you were casting a spell and record them with the mask - MD imbued into a mask are not returned until the mask is doffed. Doffing and stowing a mask without donning a new one is an action. These magic dice function as normal (returned on a 1-3, lost on a 4-6, mishaps on double, dooms on triples or higher).

Some magical masks allow you to discharge invested MD. Any given MD can only be discharged once. When discharging individual MD, [discharged value] refers to the value of the discharged MD. The mask's effects continue functioning even after its MD are all discharged.

You may only don one mask at a time. Taking off a mask for any reason immediately ends the imbuement and all ongoing effects of the mask.

B: Duality of Man

You can have two masks donned at a time. Each must be donned and imbued separately. When wearing multiple masks, you may blend their aesthetics into a single mask (for purely aesthetic reasons).

C: Pierce the Veil

You can open or close your mask eyes (glowing eyes overlaid over your regular eyes) as an action. While open, you automatically see through all disguises, shapeshifts, and illusions which conceal or transform (not illusions that create the appearance of something that isn't there). This only detects secret doors, containers, traps, or similar if they are somehow covered up or concealed, not if they simply are constructed in a non-obvious way - for example, a wall that can actually move would not be detected, while a trapdoor below a rug would be. This ability does not pierce fog, darkness, or other similar obscurements that prevent vision altogether unless they are illusory.

However, as long as your mask eyes are open, you are distracted - you automatically go last in initiative and take a -4 penalty to defense.

D: Veiled Master

You can have up to three masks donned at a time.

D: Endless Masquerade

You may discharge your focus in place of discharging a single MD invested in a mask you are wearing, even if the mask is fully discharged. If the mask is a common mask, treat it as discharging an MD with a value of 4. If it is a greater mask, treat it as discharging an MD with a value of 2.

You can regain your focus by meditating for 1 minute, or by donning or doffing a mask.

Mishaps and Dooms


  1. You take 1d6 damage.
  2. Your MD only return on a 1-2 for 24 hours.
  3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then make a save. Permanent if you fail.
  4. One of the dice that led to this mishap is discharged.
  5. Both of the dice that led to this mishap are discharged.
  6. Oops, the mask slips - spend your action next round adjusting it, or it is forcibly doffed at the end of your next turn.


  1. Your mouth smooths over. You are unable to speak or eat when not wearing a mask with at least one undischarged dice.
  2. Your eyes smooth over. You are unable to see when not wearing a mask with at least one undischarged dice.
  3. Your nose smooths over. You are unable to breathe when not wearing a mask with at least one undischarged MD.

You can reset your dooms by crafting a mask made from the face of a magic-user (or highly magical creature, such as a high elf) and grafting it to your own face. Some particularly wicked mask magicians carry several such masks in reserve.

Magical Masks

Masks take an hour of work and a source of suitable raw material to replace, but are not expensive (raw materials cost about as much as a dagger). You can fit two masks in a slot. You can have backup copies of a mask if you desire, but cannot don the same mask twice. Creatures and objects conjured by mask magic share the general aesthetic of the mask.

Each mask has a basic description of its typical appearance when imbued. The magic and your fine craftsmanship typically make them appear much more valuable than they actually are, at least when worn.

12 Common Masks

1: Mask of Missiles

A blue-and-silver mask, gently pulsing with blue energy.

2: Facade of Flames

A red-and-orange mask stylized like flames, which seem to dance.

3: Immortal Image

A regal mask with a jeweled circlet, seeming to be carved from gold. It grants you a particularly imperious glare.

4: Beaked Mask

A bird-like mask that gives your voice a cawing quality. The feathers flex as though flying into a headwind.

5: Crown of the Conjurer

A crown with a mask that covers the eyes. It seems to flicker into other dimensions at the points.

6: Mirror Mask

This full-face mask is looks like a broken mirror. Creatures reflected in the mirror seem like carnival-costumed caricatures of themselves.

7: Physician's Physiognomy

A white plague-doctor's mask that causes you to exhale small puffs of clean-smelling white fog.

8: False Face

This full-face skin-tone mask is featureless save a single seam down the center, but creates the strong impression of having features (a form of facial pareidolia).

9: Daredevil's Domino

This red domino domino mask grants you a pair of small, glowing horns formed of red light.

10: Medusa Mask

This mask is crowned with stylized snakes which seem to squirm and hiss.

11: Visage of the Vizier

This mask features a wizened gray beard, and gives your eyes a knowing twinkle.

12: Face in the Fog

This pale, smooth face seems slightly faded from reality.

8 Greater Masks

1: Seeming of the Shade

This jet-black skull mask seems to drip shadows.

2: Reaper's Hood

This dark hood conceals one's face in shadow, save their eyes, which glow softly with a pale light.

3: Mien of the Master

This mask bears a sneering, imperious visage. Ornamental chains that flit and sway in the area adorn its rim.

4: The Iron Mask

The iron mask has no features save a slit for your eyes, and seems bolted to your head.

5: Metamorph's Mask

This animalistic mask seems to slowly shift its features.

6: The Green Mask

This leaf-green wooden mask has a smirk that shifts and quirks when unobserved.

7: Mask of Doom

Said to have been first designed by a master of both dark magic and technology, this metal mask covers your entire face and has a stern, simplistic design.

8: Mask of Miracles

This mask is made of clearest glass, and seems to have captured the shimmer of the full moon upon a gentle stream.

Discharge ability adapted from Skerple's Sorcerer class.

#class #glog #glogtober #rpg