Journeying Jormungandr

Heroes of Trine: The Wizard

I've been playing the (excellent) Trine 5: A Clockwork Conspiracy and had the idea of making GLOG classes inspired by each of the characters. I'll be starting with my favorite, the wizard.

The abilities of the characters - particularly of the wizard - are more puzzle-focused than combat-focused. While the wizard has some upgrades to make, I elected to focus on his key abilities (summoning boxes and planks plus telekinesis).

I think all of my Trine classes will have "spammable" abilities, limited more by number of active instances than number of times per day.

Anyways, without further ado, here's the Trine Wizard, the master of boxes.

Trine Wizard

Starting Equipment: Wizard robes, wizard hat, beard grooming kit, fine backpack

Starting Skills: Literature and roll 1d3: History, Architecture, Smithing

A) Telekinesis, Object Conjuration B) Hostile Telekinesis, Swift Telekinesis C) Forceful Telekinesis, Additional Object D) Vast Power, Floating Platform

A: Telekinesis

As an action, you may telekinetically lift a medium-sized inanimate object. The object cannot be strongly affixed to any surface. The object must be within 50 feet and you must be able to see it, though you can continue to hold it in place it if you lose sight of it (but it is immediately dropped if it is too far from you).

As an action, you can move a lifted object up to [20 x templates] feet per round. It cannot support creatures - when you attempt to do so, your lift ends. If you use the object to push something, it is as strong as a single person. You may spend 5 feet of movement to reorient a lifted object.

If you smash the object into a creature (which ends your lift), it deals [1d6 + templates] damage, though particularly heavy objects deal 1d6 additional damage. You must make an attack check normally. The object also takes the damage unless it is well-suited for use as a weapon.

You cannot perform fine manipulations with this ability.

A: Object Conjuration

As an action, you can conjure and lift a 5-foot metal lattice cube or 5x10-foot metal lattice plank. The objects have [5 + 5 x templates] hit points, though you may conjure them with fewer hit points if so desired (at least 1). Each object is about twice as heavy as a person. You can telekinetically lift your conjured objects even if they are larger than your normal lift limit. You can create smaller cubes or planks if desired.

As an free action, you can dismiss any existing object. You can only have 1 object in existence at a time - creating a new one dismisses the oldest one.

B: Hostile Telekinesis

You can lift other (medium or smaller) creatures with your telekinesis. The speed at which you can move them is halved. The crushing grip deals 1d6 damage each round. When you attempt to lift the target and before each time you maintain the lift the creature may make a strength check to escape your grasp. When you initially lift a creature or as its action, if it is near something it could grab to hold itself down, it may also make a dexterity check to grab hold and thereby end the lift (by becoming affixed to a surface).

Lifted creatures have disadvantage on checks requiring physical precision other than checks to escape the lift, and creatures have advantage on melee attacks against lifted creatures.

B: Swift Telekinesis

When you telekinetically lift something (including as part of conjuring an object), you can also move it, but the distance you can move it is halved.

C: Additional Object

You can have two conjured objects in existence at a time.

C: Forceful Telekinesis

When you attack with a telekinetically lifted object, you deal 1d6 additional damage.

D: Vast Power

You can lift large objects or creatures. You can conjure boxes that are up to 10-foot cubes and planks that are up to 10x20 feet.

D: Float

As an action, you can suspend a lifted object in space, which ends your lift. It becomes able to support up to twice its weight. This ability lasts until you use it again, telekinetically lift the object, or dismiss the effect (a free action).

#class #glog #trine #wizard